Wednesday, July 29, 2020

A Millennial's Undying Love for Meal Kits

They say millennials are entitled. They say we are too free-spirited and we don’t have long term plans in life. Aside from that, people also say that we are a little spoiled and only want the “good life” and the convenience that the world has to offer. Well, I’d rather look at it this way: we are the generation that is living between the age of the digitalization of things and the time before that. We know radios, cassettes, CDs and we are also familiar with how to use iPods, mp3 players, and now Spotify. We had to watch our favorite movies both by transitioning from DVDs to Netflix. In my opinion, we are actually the generation that enjoys the best of both worlds.

This can be the reason why we are more explorative of the types of lifestyles that we want for ourselves. We have experienced the world in a less advanced time and now we are in the middle of technological innovations all over the world. So, I guess, we are just being so resourceful and conscious of our decisions especially in the things that affect our overall health and mental state. For one, we are more cautious in choosing the kind of job we want to live with. We don’t want to be employees all our lives, not that it is something bad. But it’s the feeling that we want to be in control of our time, our life direction, and when we can take a break. Another thing is the food we eat. We tend to research more on the ingredients and make sure that we are eating healthy. That’s why a lot of food innovations have been made during the millennial years as they would call it. One of which is meal kits. I really love meal kits and this is because of two reasons.

Meal kits are just so millennial if you ask me. They are convenient. Yes, because it’s an in-betweener of taking out food and cooking at home. You get the ingredients delivered then you just cook it yourself which makes it both time-saving and an assurance that your food is safe because you’re the one who prepared it! Second, it makes me creative! As a millennial, we always love to DIY stuff and something that makes us express ourselves more. With meal kits, you can improvise and continue to add ingredients to make it more personalized.

If you’re like me who’s living in Davao, you can easily find easy to cook meal kits and even Davao baking kits! They’re all available in Malagos Homegrown Produce’s DIY meal kits. Check them out on their website now at to try meal kits in Davao and get the millennial food you need!

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