Thursday, November 5, 2020

The State of Face to Face Meetings Now in the Middle of a Pandemic

It’s almost been a year since the COVID-19 made its presence known to the world. Even after several months, its effects are still raging and will seem to last for a long time. Still, everyone is trying to get back on their feet. For businesses and companies, which are most people’s source of livelihood, things have somehow gotten better compared to the earlier months. While there are still strict protocols to follow, business is back to almost-normal. Most meetings are done online, but sometimes in-person meetings are still necessary. 

Now, when we plan face to face meetings, there are many things we have to be careful of:

  • Health protocols - Since this is a company event, the management should always take extra steps to protect their employees’ health and safety. Meetings should not involve more than 10 people at a time, everyone has to follow social distancing and wear their masks at all times.
  • Venue and schedule - With the city enforcing a curfew, in-person meetings should be set early in the day and everyone should be informed when and where it will be held in advance so they can plan their days ahead.
  • Food handling - Of course, food is an important part of any event. To ensure that no contamination will happen, opt for contactless delivery when you are choosing your caterer Also, having individual packed meals may be the best to prevent any unwanted contact among people.

When availing of online food and delivery services, make sure that your chosen provider will give not just the best-tasting food, but also the safest preparation, packing, and delivery. Try Xpress Eats when checking out places to get the best food party platter in Davao. Of all food services in Davao, party tray and food delivery from Xpress Eats is guaranteed 100% safe from start to finish. With them, your in-person meetings will definitely feel more fun and complete. When planning or preparing for your next face to face meetings, keep all health protocols in mind to make sure everyone in the company is safe and ready to tackle all tasks ahead.

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