Thursday, October 29, 2020

How to Find the Right Diving Center

Going to strange places and far off lands makes us experience some things that we don’t normally do in our mundane lives. When we travel, it usually sparks a dormant love for nature - be it the mountains, the sea, or the woods. For people who have an inherent connection with the sea, you must have gone to the afar ends of the earth just to witness the greatest spots for swimming, diving and underwater exploration. The beaches here in the Philippines are most especially thriving with dive spots that offer some of the most memorable dive trips and courses. The only thing that is in question now, is how do you choose the best diving center that will cater to all your needs and preferences. Today, we’re sharing some of the most worthwhile tips.


Price is no reflection of quality - just because a shop or store offers great deals doesn’t necessarily mean they are the best. Remember, diving centers make they're living off of tourists. Never forget to put your safety on the top of your priorities, even before you consider practical factors. You need to know what you are looking for when choosing a dive center. There are reasons why some are cheaper than the others, so weigh your options and really take into consideration the other factors.

Don’t be afraid to ask - once you found the perfect store, be as inquisitive as you can. Ask the staff and the instructors questions that matter. They are there to assist you and help you make the right choices especially if you’re not familiar with the diving environments of the place. If you come across an unwilling staff, then choose another store.

Make an informed choice - asking questions will definitely lead you to this. Once you’ve eliminated all of the stores that made you uncomfortable or unsure, you’ll be left with one that’s probably the most fitting for you. Listen to personal recommendations of other divers who’ve tried the store, and if you can, try researching more about the store’s credibility from online reviews. Make an informed choice for your safety’s sake!


If you’re looking for the best place to dive in Davao, there is a new diving resort in Davao oriental that you can try out. It’s called Camp Bernardino de Lavigan. Water activities include diving, snorkeling, and some water sports. The good thing about this resort is they have a team of resident PADI certified divers, so you’re in good hands. Check them out now at



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