Thursday, October 15, 2020

A Deeper Relationship

Let’s all admit it. Any relationship that has reached a certain level of confidence, security and comfort becomes stagnant at one point. You feel like you already know the other person too well and there’s nothing left to explore. You’ve done almost everything together, and have had your share of ups and downs through the years, and have memorized all the lines and strokes of each other’s palm, the flaws in each other’s skin. There’s just nothing new to discover. This feeling is normal for all relationships that have stood the test of time. More than being a couple, you’re now partners in everything that you do - with every decision and action almost too dependent on the other individual. 

Some couples are lucky enough to be standing strong for as long as 50 years. That’s such an achievement not many of us here are able to unlock. As someone who’s been in a long term relationship myself, I can definitely relate to all this. I and my partner have reached our breaking points countless times that sometimes you can’t help but wonder if pushing on and going forward is still the right thing to do. I’ve seen her worst, she’s seen mine and we both know the things that piss the hell out of us. It was a struggle especially when we reached the 7-year itch. But now that we’ve been together for almost 2 decades, I’m beyond grateful that we’re able to find that thing that holds us together: diving. Yes, diving. It’s an activity that not a lot of people appreciate or are daring enough to try but it’s one thing that keeps our relationship deeper. Diving has been our therapy as a couple for almost a decade now, and it’s an important part of this commitment that we have to each other. Diving helps us understand our fears, our anxieties, and take care of all of them. With this activity, we were able to get to know each other better and understand our limits as individuals. It’s also a good ground zero sort of thing to go back to the simplest pleasures, and just appreciate life for what it is whenever we become too overwhelmed by everything that’s going on.

If you want to try out this therapy, or are looking where to celebrate your special moment as a couple, then head on over to the new Davao Oriental beach resort called Camp Bernardino. They are one of the few beach resorts with diving activity perfect for couples therapies. Check them out today at

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